Read more about Sync’ing Name tags and Google Account contacts. This setting is located on the Tools Menu, People Manager. Picasa will be able to recreate your nametags. for Gmail) and you have set the option in Picasa to ‘Sync with Contacts’, then you’re all set.

Prevent Losing Name Tags by Synchronizing If you say Yes – which you need to do if you have a corrupt database – you will be deleting an important part of the face recognition information. It is important to realize that, when you uninstall Picasa, you have the choice of deleting the database. The Official method is to uninstall Picasa and reinstall it. The delete the folder technique still works, but it is not the officially recognized method for dealing with the problem. The Alt/Ctrl/Shift method has been removed – I’m not sure when. Open Picasa while holding down Alt/Ctrl/Shift. In the article I detailed 2 procedures for fixing the corruption. And now, with face recognition there are more issues. It doesn’t happen so much anymore, but there are still times you need to re-install Picasa and rebuild its database. In it I wrote about the scary things that you see in Picasa when its database gets corrupted. Quite some time ago, I wrote an article called, “ Picasa Tip: When your pictures get “All Messed UP”. Q: If I re-install Picasa and delete the old database, what happens to all the face tagging? I have spent a lot of time getting my ~10,000 pictures or so all tagged with named faces.

Note: a more recent article on this topic can be found at Keep your People Named by Checking this Box.